All services and services we offer are operated by Mona Makine Tochnology Pazarlama Dış Ticaret Limited Şirketi at

As Mona Makine Technology, we care about the privacy of your personal information and data in the transactions you make on our website. In this regard, it fulfills all technical, administrative and legal requirements and ensures that users have a smooth internet experience on our website. Prioritizing user privacy, we never share your data with third parties unless required by legal obligations and company policies. By using security infrastructures on our site, we ensure that you have a completely safe internet experience in all your transactions.

As Mona Makine, we would like to convey to you our sensitivity regarding your privacy and protection of your personal information within the scope of this “Privacy Policy”. This privacy policy; It was prepared to convey details about how and for what purposes your personal data is used, the process of collecting your personal data, and what data and information are collected. This Privacy Policy; It is not affiliated with any third party other than, the brands we cooperate with or our subsidiaries. It only covers the services and services offered at

What Data and Information Do We Collect?

Via our website; We collect various information when you create an account, subscribe to our newsletters, allow cookies, or make any application by filling out a form. This information; Name and surname, company information and address, mobile phone numbers, resident phone numbers, e-mail address. Apart from the information in question, no additional personal information is collected in the services we provide through our website.

However, we collect some data in order to provide you with a better internet experience in the services we provide through our website. This data is collected and processed in order to implement our company policy and improve the quality of service we offer to you. The data we collect is based on analyzing your transactions on the internet or your movements on our website. The data in question; It includes the page you are on, the duration of your visit to our site, the pages you are on during your visit, the frequency of your visit to our site, the type of transactions you make, your IP address, the documents you download, the actions you make with the mouse and cursor, the transitions between pages and other applications not mentioned here.

This data, which we collect and process in order to provide you with a much higher quality service, is stored safely on our website’s servers.

For What Purposes Do We Collect Your Data and Information?

Our purpose in collecting and processing your data collected by our company through our website; Our aim is to increase your internet usage experience by providing you with a much higher quality service and to share the information in question with judicial authorities or law enforcement forces in case of legal requirements. Apart from this, your personal data is stored safely in our systems. We would like to explain our purposes for collecting and/or processing your data and information in general detail as follows: To ensure that you use the profile you created on our website in a sustainable manner and to increase your personal experience,

  • To provide you with a much higher quality and higher standard service in technical terms,
  • To provide you with detailed information about the services we offer, if necessary,
  • To keep the services provided by our company and the services offered up to date,
  • To improve our customer service standard and manage customer relations,
  • To carry out the transactions you request,
  • Developing marketing strategies and managing promotional organizations,
  • To transmit your user information to you through various communication methods,
  • To ensure that you benefit from the advantages, discounts, promotions or opportunities provided by our company in the most effective way,
  • To inform you about relevant legislation and legal situations.

Your Data and Third Parties

Your personal data collected and processed by our website is never shared with third parties. However, there are some special situations required by law regarding sharing your personal data with third parties. If such situations occur, your personal data collected and processed by our website may be shared with the relevant judicial authorities or law enforcement forces. The limits of such sharing are determined by the regulated legislation. In this regard, the situations that require your data processed by our website to be shared with judicial authorities or law enforcement within the scope of relevant legislation are generally as follows:

Protecting the security and property of our company,
Experiencing disputes as a result of the service or services provided by our website,
You engage in behavior that may directly or indirectly affect other customers,
Occurrence of situations that violate the security of other customers or users,
In case of any legal action, law enforcement or judicial authorities request information,
Purchasing the services we offer by another enterprise,

Your personal data may be shared with third parties in cases specified by the relevant legal legislation, including but not limited to the situations specified here. Other than these situations, your data or personal information will not be shared with third parties under any circumstances.

Details Regarding the Protection of Your Personal Data

As Mona Makine Technology, we fulfill all the requirements by making all technical investments in order to protect your personal information safely on the internet. It is our company’s responsibility to prevent third parties from accessing your data. In this regard, we provide our services by taking all the measures that can be taken electronically at the highest standard. Since Mona Makine has taken all the precautions it can against possible disruptions, it cannot be seen as the source of any problem if it occurs.